Balwant Bains - Virtual School Executive Head Teacher
I am the Executive Head Teacher of Sandwell Virtual School for Children in Care and those Previously in Care.
I believe that children can do amazing things and that it is our responsibility to support each other to help make their potential a reality.
Kathy Ross - Virtual School Operations Manager
Offering support as a team to ensure that children in care benefit from a quality educational experience.
Advisory Teachers
Julie Goode - Virtual School Advisory Teacher
Hello. I am Julie. I am the advisory teacher with the team. My job is to help sort out any problems you might have in school. I can help with special training for teachers so that they can learn how best to support our children when needed.
Scott Johnson - Children with a Social Worker Advisory Teacher
I am the lead advisory teacher for children have an allocated social worker. I work with schools, local authority colleagues and social workers to ensure that all children have the support they need in education.
Education Development Officers
Jodie Carswell - Supporting Children in Early Years and Reception class
I am the LACE key worker for EYFS, I am here to support you will all your educational needs in relation to the development across all prime areas. I work with all the adults around you to ensure we have high aspirations for both your personal and academic potential. I am always here to help; I look forward to hearing from you.
Helen Hardwick - Supporting Children in Years 1,2 and 3
I am the LACE key worker for young people in Year 1, year 2 and year 3. I will be working with you and the adults around you to ensure you get the best you can in your Phonic Assessments, KS1 SATs and to support you in the transition to KS2.
Jas Kang - Supporting Children in Years 4 and 5
I am a keyworker for young people in Year 4 and Year 5. I will be working to ensure you get the best opportunities for your education and achieve your maximum potential.
Melonie Farrell - Supporting Children in Years 6 and 7
I am the LACE key worker for young people in Year 6 and Year 7. I will be working with you and the adults around you to ensure you get the best you can in your SATS and also here to support you in the transition to your new high school.
Julie Chilton - Supporting Young People in Years 8 and 9
I am the Virtual School education officer for years 8 and 9. I will work with you to make sure you are supported to get the best education you can. I will especially help you when it comes to the time to choose your options to get you ready for years 10 and 11.
Prakash Patel - Supporting Young People in Years 10 and 11
I support young people in Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 with their next step in their educational journey. I am also the lead practitioner in Aspire to University (A2U) for Sandwell. This project helps students from Sandwell to look at the possibility of attending University and it helps them gain an insight into what the University experience is like.
Jay Willis - Supporting Young People in Years 12 and 13
I champion post 16 young people on their journey in further education and further career opportunities. Ensuring access to a consistent support network that fully values their aspirations and helps to guide them towards becoming integral part of the community.
Rachael Wolffel - Support Children with a Social Worker
I am the education development officer for children with Child Protection and Child in Need plans. I work with schools and social workers to ensure that all children have the support they need in education.
Administration Team
Bal Benning - Office Manager
Michelle Geer - Administrator
All staff have been cleared with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to work safely with children and have received updated training on; Safeguarding and 'Keeping children safe in education'.